Oct 22, 2019
Yes, 19 October 2019 was the first anniversary of the commencement of Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising when private companies were able to raise capital direct from the public.
If you have clients who have a turnover of less than $25 million per annum and have gross assets valued at less than $25 million and are not...
Oct 9, 2019
Accountants can play a very important role in assisting clients to source one of the key components of the life-cycle of a business – “cash”!
In “Scaling Up” Verne Harnish identified that “having plenty of cash to weather the storms” was one of the four lifecycles of a business.
As businesses grow, they...
Oct 3, 2019
Attracting and keeping the right people is one of the four essential components of the “life cycle of a business”! (Verne Harnish – “Scaling Up”). Where-ever there is “people” there is also a requirement for “leadership.”
The development of “leadership skills” for team members is vital if a...