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Sep 21, 2016

The Australian government has introduced legislation to assist innovative companies to be able to raise capital.  This legislation, which commenced operations from 1st July 2016, is called the "Early Stage Innovation Company".  An Early Stage Innovation Company will normally be a small/medium enterprise, an inventor...

Sep 21, 2016

The Early Stage Innovation Company legislation offers significant taxation benefits to eligible investors. To make Early Stage Innovation Companies work there has to be investors. Investors can qualify for two major tax incentives:

1. the 20% tax offset - which is available for sophisticated investors - up to $200,000...

Sep 8, 2016

Promoting the Early Stage Innovation Company legislation to clients and prospects is going to be a task that, I hope, many of you will participate in over the next few months.


The legislation is targeted at small/medium enterprises, inventors and young companies, particularly those that have been involved in research...