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Mar 26, 2021

Mark Holton, an Accountancy Industry Consultant and Director of Smithink Pty Ltd, discussed with Peter Towers, Managing Director, ESS BIZTOOLS the opportunities that accountants have to differentiate their firms by proactively advising clients on research and development opportunities and the taxation benefits that they...

Mar 19, 2021

“Research and development services can help an accounting firm to differentiate itself in a market that, from a business operator’s perspective, most accountants look very similar” said Mark Holton, Director, Smithink Pty Ltd.


Mar 12, 2021

Are companies giving sufficient priority to determining return on investment as part of the decision as to whether to proceed with a research and development project?  This will be the theme for the conversation between Peter Towers, Managing Director, ESS BIZTOOLS and Peter Milla, Managing Director, Business Tree Pty...

Mar 5, 2021

In the ESS BIZTOOLS’ Business Advisory Services Webinar/Conversation on Wednesday 10th March 2021, Peter Towers, Managing Director, ESS BIZTOOLS will discuss with Priscilla Bea Smith, Director, Cloud Nine Associates some of the important issues on which small business and medium-sized enterprise owners and CEOs are...