Mar 27, 2020
This is definitely a “defining moment” for the Prime Minister - Scott Morrison, Treasurer - Josh Frydenberg and the Chief Medical Officer - Professor Brendan Murphy and the State Premiers and Chief Ministers of the Territories and their advisors, but it is also a defining moment for accountants and business advisors...
Mar 20, 2020
Welcome to the launch of “Survival in Difficult Times Product Package 2020”.
We are indeed confronting the biggest challenge in 100 years that was identified by the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison this week.
The seriousness is clearly identified by the concept of a national cabinet, comprising the Prime Minister and...
Mar 16, 2020
On Thursday, 12 March 2020 the Prime Minister announced a stimulus plan to curb the economic impact of the coronavirus and to keep “Australians in jobs and businesses in business”.
The package, which aims to provide an immediate stimulus to the economy, will be worth $17.6 billion of which $11 billion is expected to...
Mar 12, 2020
“Whatever you thought 2020 was going to be about, think again!” The Prime Minister, Scott Morrison has certainly laid down the challenge for all of us.
As accountants/business advisors/bookkeepers, what services can you offer to your clients to assist them to “Survive These Difficult Times” which in a few short...
Mar 6, 2020
Most businesses in Australia are now operating within “difficult times”. We seem to have had one crisis after another relating to droughts, bushfires, floods, cyclones, and now the Coronavirus!
There is significant uncertainty as to what the outcome of these events particularly the Coronavirus is going to be.