Jan 4, 2016
In the various surveys that have been conducted, small/medium enterprises have indicated one item in common – they would like their accountants to give them advice on government grants for which they might be eligible.
Government grants, special loans and incentives amount to around $5B per annum in Australia, from the Federal, State and Territory governments. All businesses are contributing to this very large pool of money through their taxes.
Are your clients receiving their fair share of what they’re entitled to from this source of government assistance?
Have you identified the government grants for which individual clients might be potentially eligible?
Some of these grants and rebates include:
• Research and Development Tax Rebate
• Business Growth Grant
• Research Connections
• Accelerating Commercialisation
• Export Market Development Grant
• Skills Development Grant
• And hundreds of other grants
You don’t have to worry about having to set up your own grant monitoring system. ESS BIZGRANTS does that, for a very low annual fee, to assist accountants, like yourself, to be proactive.
The ESS BIZGRANTS’ system helps identify grants. All your firm has to do is enter some basic information, which only takes a few minutes, and identify the ATO business number that applies to this client. You will then be presented with a “Pending List” of grants, where you will need to answer some additional questions, which should take a total of about 12 minutes. The system will then produce a “Grant Report”, which you can use to have discussions with your client. Your client will undoubtedly be impressed because they will be happy that their accountant is being proactive in assisting them to gain some grant funding in these difficult times.
David Smith, former President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and Managing Director of Smithink, had this to say about ESS BIZGRANTS:
“This is a tool that should reside in every accountant’s office. Few accountants are aware of the grants available to their clients. It’s a minefield of Federal, State, local and special purpose grants that seem to change almost daily. ESS BIZGRANTS has done the hard work in bringing together all this information in an easy-to-use application. If an accountant wants to make a client happy, get them some government money! ESS BIZGRANTS is the tool that can quickly help accountants quickly assess whether a client might be able to access a grant.”
We invite you to participate in a special webinar we’re presenting on Wednesday 20th January 2016, featuring “Proactive Services to Help Clients”, which will focus on how to help clients raise capital and obtain government grants. Click here to register to attend, free of charge.
To gain a more in-depth understanding of how ESS BIZGRANTS can help you provide this type of proactive service to your clients, a complimentary copy of an article, “Using Government Grants to Fund your Business Improvement”, is attached with this transcript.
If you have any questions on any aspect of government grants and how ESS BIZGRANTS can assist you to deliver a fantastic, proactive service to your clients, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Peter Towers
+61 7 4724 1118 | 1800 232 088
www.essbiztools.com.au | www.essbizgrants.com.au