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Jun 27, 2017

Accountants, there are plenty of challenges in 2017/18 and you probably don’t need me to tell you that.


Firstly however, happy new financial year!  I trust that 2017/18 will be a great year for your accountancy business, everyone who works in your firm and all your clients.

Jun 19, 2017

Accountants, business plans are "real accountants' work", and that's what I want to talk to you about today.  "Real accountants' work".

Jun 13, 2017

Late payments are the “silent killer of small business” Kate Carnell the Australian Government’s Small Business Ombudsman said in her reaction to the UK based “Market Invoice” report in late 2016.

Jun 6, 2017


The Early-Stage Innovation Company legislation has been available since July 2016 but unfortunately there has been little publicity about the significant benefits this legislation offers small/medium enterprises and investors.

Jun 6, 2017

Good for your small/medium enterprise clients who want to access grants so as to improve their business activities with a subsidy from the government.